Saturday, September 10, 2011

Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes

One of my family's favorite things is breakfast for dinner.  We have it every once in a while - bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, etc. But I've been thinking to myself - we almost never have this kind of breakfast for breakfast - it's always been cold cereal, toast, or maybe a frozen waffle in the morning for us.  I decided I wanted to make my family a big, delicious breakfast for breakfast, so I invited everyone over and decided to make it a cooking adventure.
I don't like pancakes - I don't know why and I've never been able to explain it satisfactorily to anyone who can't believe that someone wouldn't like pancakes, so I thought maybe I should try flavoring them with something that would make them taste different (better).  I found a recipe for banana chocolate chip pancakes, and since I have five nieces and nephews who like pancakes, why not make something that's a little adventure for them too?
I just made a normal pancake batter from a mix and then added smashed bananas and chocolate chips to it and cooked them on a griddle (I'm using griddles a lot lately, have you noticed?).  Most everybody put syrup on their pancakes, but I decided to try peanut butter on mine because I really like peanut butter and bananas.
They turned out to be really good - the first thing I noticed is that they're a lot more dense than normal pancakes - probably because of the bananas.  I really like them, the different flavors did make them taste delicious.
I also tried another recipe I've never made before - home fries.  You know those potatoes that you get in restaurants instead of hash browns that are just potato chunks that are really crispy?  Yeah those.  I love them - I've always wanted to make them.  Turns out they're super easy - you just coat them with olive oil and a couple of spices and then bake them until they're crispy delicious. Since I managed to make the home fries (which I love) and the pancakes (which I didn't hate) without any major issues - I'm calling this one a success. Oh, and they fact that my nieces and nephews all liked the pancakes too doesn't hurt. :) Stay tuned!