Saturday, November 13, 2010

What to Cook?

I've always loved to cook, it's always been a great way for me to make myself focus on a task and get my brain in order when I'm feeling scattered. I've also always been a picky eater. I'm trying to get over that part of myself and try new foods and flavors.
At first, I decided that I would try cooking something new at least once a week - but between work, school, and the fact that I'm horrible about keeping my other blog up to date, I decided that once a month would be much easier for me to get a handle on, at least for now.
So, starting tonight, I begin my adventures in cooking. I'm hoping for some brilliant successes (like my chicken kiev and fajitas), and will try to aviod any catostophic failures (like the tuxedo cheesecake). As far as format, I'll probably end up making recipe names the titles, and I'll give my personal opinion about what I made. I don't know if I'll put the actual recipes in my posts like so many other food blogs (flogs, as I like to call them) do. I guess if anyone is really that interested, they can ask and I'll give them the recipe.
Expect another post tonight or tomorrow about this evening's cooking adventure!

P.S. Anyone who wants to call me out for my blog title by telling me that Wadsworth isn't a character from the game can save it. I know he's not original, but Tim Curry is hilarious. :)

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