Monday, March 28, 2011

Chocolate Bread Pudding

Ok, so I've been avoiding making a dessert because I already know I can do it - I've been trying to stay out of my wheelhouse so to speak. Then I figured, if I tried making something I didn't think I would like, it was still a cooking adventure, right? My game, my rules. :) Now, I am not a fan of soggy bread - I will eat a french dip, but I have to be able to control the moisture level - if it's too soggy I won't eat it. Anyway, I like to watch the Food Network (surprise!), and one of the desserts that always seems to go over really well is bread pudding. It always looks delicious, and I figured, why not?
Well, I'll tell you why not. The bread was soggy. I actually found a recipe that sounded really good - the custard the was poured over the bread had cocoa mixed in and there were chocolate chips mixed in as well. As far as that goes, it was tasty, but I couldn't get past the soggy bread. It was baked in a 13x9 pan, so there was quite a bit of it, and the bread on the top was crunchy and tasted really good, but the bread on the bottom was still pretty soggy.
I was talking to my Grandma about this particular problem and she told me that if you add raisins to bread pudding they soak up the extra moisture so that the bread isn't soggy - that would have been nice to know from the Food Network. Maybe I'll try it again and use rasins next time.
For now, I'm chalking this one up as a failure, partly because the bread was soggy, but mostly because after I tried it and found the bread was soggy, no one else would try it (they all feel the same way I do about soggy bread). So not only did I fail, there was a ton of left over bread pudding that won't be eaten. That alone = fail. Oh well, on to the next adventure! Stay tuned!

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